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Pleated Blinds

Pleated Blinds Sussex
Beautiful And Custom Made

Pleated Blinds in Sussex: A Perfect Blend of Style and Functionality

When it comes to window treatments, pleated blinds offer a unique blend of style and functionality that’s hard to beat. Here at Sussex Blinds, we bring you a vast range of pleated blinds, meticulously designed for every window type, be it Bi-Folds or Skylights. Who knew functionality could be this stylish?

Versatile and Practical

Our pleated blinds are a champion when it comes to versatility. Got a conservatory you’d love to spruce up? Our pleated blinds, including options for the roof, could be just the ticket. And let’s say the afternoon sun is painting your room a little too golden from one window. Well, with our pleated blinds, you can close just that one blind, leaving the rest open to bathe in daylight sans the harsh glare. Now, isn’t that practicality at its finest?

Endless Choices for Your Perfect Fit

At Sussex Blinds, we believe in choices. That’s why we offer pleated blinds in a plethora of colours and styles. Whether you fancy a blackout option for those lazy Sunday lie-ins or a thermal option to keep the chill out, we’ve got you covered. We even offer reflective options, perfect for those who love a bit of natural light but not the unwelcome heat that often comes with it.

No-damage Installation with Perfect Fit Pleated Blinds

We know that the thought of window frame damage during fitting can be a worry. Well, worry no more! Enter our Perfect Fit Pleated blinds. These beauties come with a frame that’s clipped into the windowpane, ensuring no holes or damage to your windows. It’s the perfect solution for UPVC doors and windows, keeping your fittings pristine and your peace of mind intact.

Expert Advice at Your Doorstep

We understand that choosing the right window treatment can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer an in-home consultation service. Our Custom Fitted Blinds advisor will visit you, measure up, and provide expert advice tailored to your specific needs. And the best part? You’ll receive a no-obligation quotation, making your decision process stress-free and convenient.

At Sussex Blinds, we’re committed to providing you with the perfect window treatments for your home. So, why wait? Explore the world of pleated blinds and discover how they can transform your spaces into your own personal haven. Let’s make your windows the highlight of your home together!

Blinds Products

‌ Our aim is to give people looking for fitted blinds in the locality the best possible service and after sales care together with an exceptional quality product at the absolute best prices available. Custom Fitted Blinds are an independent blinds company, we source our products from some of the UK’s best and biggest national companies to make sure our customers get the best window treatments on the market. If you’re looking for fitted blinds, please try our price estimator to give you a pre-appointment, ‘supplied and fitted’ quotation.‌

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